Boarders at Faith Haven Stables have the peace of mind that comes with knowing their horses are being cared for by dedicated professionals. Faith Haven offers complete care for your horse or pony.
Stalls are approximately 12×12 with sliding doors. All stalls have full mats and an access door for feeding hay and grain. Each stall has a blanket rack, a halter rack, and a tack hook for hanging blankets to dry.
There are three sets of cross ties available for grooming and tacking up, as well as places to tie in each stall.
Horses at Faith Haven Stables enjoy daily turnout, except in inclement or extreme weather. Turn-out is divided between four main pastures and three smaller paddocks available for individual or limited turnout.
Each pasture has a large run-in shelter lined with stone. These shelters provide a wind break as well as protection from unexpected weather conditions. The fencing is 2″ electric tape by Safe Fence and is well maintained. This type of fencing keeps horses off the fence line and breaks easily, eliminating fence injuries. Turn-out groups are carefully selected to provide the best situation for each horse. Individual turn-out paddocks are also available as needed.
The attached arena is 80 x 175 and features a sand footing that is maintained regularly. The arena is viewable from the heated lounge and also has bleacher seating available. In the winter the arena is heated – no more riding in that freezing Erie weather!

Large doors on either end of the arena can be opened during the summer months allowing for a comfortable breeze to help keep you cool. The arena also features a speaker system.
Tack lockers are available for each Boarder. Tack lockers feature two saddle racks, able to accommodate both English and Western saddles, and two bridle hooks. Each locker is may be secured with a lock provided by the Boarder.

Faith Haven Stables also has a heated lounge for watching lessons or cleaning tack. The lounge has a couch, microwave and a television.